Many thanks to Antonia Ruppel for informing us of the current status of this unfortunate matter!

I only have to add that, contrary to appearances, the process of filling the two professorships in Indology is to be stopped as a result of yesterday's decision by the Senate. This is because the resolution now provides for a completely new discussion on the retention or closure of disciplines. No one can predict when and how this discussion will end. Until then, the chairs will remain vacant if the initial approval of the Rectorate that has already taken place is not realised immediately.

In this respect, I can only agree with Antonia Ruppel that now would be the time to press massively for an immediate filling of the Indological vacancies.

With heartfelt thanks for your great support (15,200 signatures at the moment),
and with my very best regards,

Walter Slaje

Am Do., 3. Juni 2021 um 16:25 Uhr schrieb Antonia Ruppel via INDOLOGY <>:
Dear list,

Some news from Halle, where yesterday NO decisions to cut professorships/close departments were made! Instead, it was decided that the very real need for cuts would be addressed in a process where all parts of the university are involved and, at least officially, have a say. 

Please find below the email that everyone who had contacted the relevant people directly received about an hour ago. That that email was sent out in German *and English* shows that they clearly noticed the international interest this case has generated. Which I think means: if you haven't voiced your views yet, and if you have a moment to email the minister of education (and cc the rector and dean, all contact details given at the bottom of the email), your voice may very well have an impact.

Many thanks to everyone who has signed the petition (added again below) and/or already shared their views in an email!



Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

haben Sie herzlichen Dank für Ihr unterstützendes Schreiben. Der Senat der Martin-Luther-Universität hat in seiner gestrigen Sitzung keine Studiengänge geschlossen, sondern nach eingehender Diskussion einen Beschluss gefasst, dass sich Rektorat, Senat, die betreffende Kommission und schließlich die Fakultäten, gemeinsam den enormen finanziellen Herausforderungen stellen muss und gemeinsam Lösungsvorschläge erarbeiten müssen. Dabei wird es sicher auch um die Streichungen von Professuren gehen müssen. In einer gemeinsam verfassten Stellungnahme aller Dekane der Fakultät heißt es: „Streichungen von Professuren und Fächern bedürfen einer genauen und unvoreingenommenen Prüfung durch diese einzusetzenden Arbeitsgruppen; sämtliche Parameter (Studierenden-Zahlen, Forschungsbilanz, internationale Wahrnehmung, nationale und internationale Relevanz des Fachs, Anschlussfähigkeit, Absolvent*innen [BA, MA, Lehrämter, Dissertationen und Habilitationen]) sind dabei zu berücksichtigen.“ Dieser internen Evaluation werden sich alle Bereiche der Universität stellen müssen, so auch die sog. Kleinen Fächer, aber eben nicht nur die kleinen Fächer. Dies sage ich in vollem Bewusstsein, dass mein Lehrstuhl „Prähistorische Archäologie“ ebenfalls dem Spektrum der kleine Fächer zugeordnet wird. Für den nun angeschobenen Prozess ist Ihre Stellungnahme zweifelsfrei eine wichtige Stütze.

 Mit den besten Grüßen

François Bertemes

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thank you very much for your letter of support. At its meeting yesterday, the Senate of the Martin Luther University did not close any degree programmes but, after in-depth discussion, passed a resolution that the Rectorate, the Senate, the relevant commissions and, finally, the faculties, must jointly face up to the enormous financial challenges and jointly develop proposals for solutions.  This will certainly also have to involve the cancellation of professorships. In a statement jointly written by all deans of our faculties, we declare: "Cancellations of professorships and research areas require a precise and unbiased examination by working groups to be set up; all parameters (student numbers, research record, international perception, national and international relevance of the subject, connectivity, graduates [BA, MA, teaching degrees, dissertations and habilitations]) are to be taken into account." All areas of the university will have to face this internal evaluation, including the so-called small research and teaching fields, but not only the small research and teaching fields. I say this in full awareness of the fact that my Chair of Prehistoric Archaeology is also assigned to the spectrum of small areas. Your statement is undoubtedly an important support for the process that has now been initiated.

Best regards

François Bertemes


The petition is taking signatures for two more days:


If you'd be willing to send an email to the powers that be: here they are

1) Prof. Dr. Armin Willingmann
Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Digitalisierung des Landes
Hasselbachstraße 4
D-39104 Magdeburg

2) Rektor:
Prof. Dr. Christian Tietje
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Universitätsplatz 10
D-06108 Halle

3) Dekan:
Prof. Dr. François Bertemes
Emil-Abderhalden-Straße 6
D-06108 Halle

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