Dear Paolo,

Michelle Wang, 

Maṇḍalas in the Making​ The Visual Culture of Esoteric Buddhism at Dunhuang

is the work I would now recommend. It includes very thorough references to the earlier relevant scholarship. 

hope this is useful,

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From: INDOLOGY <> on behalf of Paolo Eugenio Rosati via INDOLOGY <>
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 11:46:16 PM
To: Indology <>
Subject: [INDOLOGY] Esoteric Buddhism in Central Asia
Dear All,

I wish you all are safe and well during this endless global pandemic. Anyone can point out a few articles on Esoteric Buddhism in connection with Silk Road's sites and particularly with Eastern centres (such as Dunhuang). I am very interested in articles based on iconographic developments (from the Indian subcontinent to Central Asia).

Best wishes,

Paolo E. Rosati
PhD in Asian and African Studies
Mobile/Whatsapp: (+39) 338 73 83 472
Skype: paoloe.rosati