On Mon, 15 Feb 2021 at 04:49, Jan E.M. Houben <jemhouben@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear All,
The professor-researcher recruitment campaign 2021 at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE) is open.
This time, none of the open positions are directly "indological" but some of the positions in Sciences historiques et philologiques or Sciences religieuses *could* in theory accommodate indological (indological-linguistic) or buddhological applications.
Please explore at
A good active mastery of French is of course a prerequisite. 

"of course"?  No, this is not obvious or normal.  Many countries hire professors on the understanding that if they don't know the indigenous language they will commit to learning it within the first two years of tenure.  As far as I am aware, that is normal international practice.   
