Dear colleagues,
Thanks a lot for your prompt reaction, this list is a real "kalyāṇakalpataru"!

Happy to receive Dr. B. van Buitenen's film from Prof. Michael Witzel 
and the Vajapeya Sacrifice booklet Pune 1955  from Prof. Madhav Deshpande
THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to Dr. Herman Tull for additional information about Van Buitenen's papers.

With great respect and best wishes
Cordially Yours

сб, 13 февр. 2021 г. в 18:47, NK <>:
Dear colleagues,
Would anyone happen to have Vājapeya 1955 Performance Committee manual:
The Śrauta Ritual and the Vājapeya Sacrifice. Poona: Vājapeya Performance Committee, 1955 . 
And the film by Dr J.A.B. van Buitenen of the Vājapeya in Poona and 
13-page unpublished  typescript "Vajapeya: English commentary" (1956)  accompanying the film.

With thanks and best wishes, 
Natalia Korneeva