Thanks, Mrinal and Christopher, for your responses. Yeah, it's disappointing that this site doesn't have the 19th part but they have the 20th part. 

I am looking for the manuscripts of a Kātantra commentary Bālabodhinī. There are 13 manuscripts listed in the other volumes of the Janert's collection (parts 15-19). I think at least one more manuscript of the Bālabodhinī (Serial no. 7288) is listed in the 19th part. 

On Sun, Jan 31, 2021 at 9:10 AM Christophe Vielle <> wrote:
Indeed, here:
the vol. 18 seems the last one available

Le 31 janv. 2021 à 05:56, Mrinal Kaul via INDOLOGY <> a écrit :

Dear Deepro,

As far as I am aware this particular volume is not available in PDF yet. All other volumes seem to be available. You might have to take help of someone who has access to the physical volume/s. That is what I did when I wanted to make a reference to a particular Ms from this volume. Sorry if this is not helpful. Best wishes.

Mrinal Kaul  (he, him, his)
Assistant Professor of Indian Philosophy
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS)
Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay (IIT-B)
Powai, Mumbai 400076, INDIA
Tel +91-820-29-23567 Extn: 23567

On Sun, 31 Jan 2021 at 05:58, Deepro Chakraborty via INDOLOGY <> wrote:
I'm looking for the 19th part of the VOHD (Verzeichnisch der orientalischen Handscriften in Deutschland, Volume 2 (Indian manuscripts):

Gerhard Ehlers: Die Śāradā-Handschriften der Sammlung Janert der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preussischer Kulturbesitz. 2016. (VOHD Band 2, 19

Does anyone have a pdf of it?

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Christophe Vielle