Dear Friends,

Might anyone have a copy of or access to this pdf? I've looked, but seem unable to find it in full.

Shakespear, J. 1820. "Observations Regarding Badheks and T'hegs J Shakespeare." Asiatick Researches, Vol. 13.

It is mentioned in the (footnote) of the
following article: Stevenson, J.A.R. "Some Account of the P'hansigárs, or Gang-robbers, and of the Shúdgarshids, or Tribe of Jugglers." The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland.

All the best,

パトリック マッカートニー
Patrick McCartney, PhD
Research Affiliate - Organization for Identity and Cultural Development (OICD), Kyoto
Research Associate - Nanzan University Anthropological Institute, Nagoya, Japan
Visiting Fellow - South and South-east Asian Studies Department, Australian National University
Member - South Asia Research Institute (SARI), Australian National University

Skype / Zoom - psdmccartney
Phone + Whatsapp + Line:  +61410644259
Twitter - @psdmccartney @yogascapesinjap

bodhapūrvam calema ;-)



All the best,

パトリック マッカートニー
Patrick McCartney, PhD
Research Affiliate - Organization for Identity and Cultural Development (OICD), Kyoto
Research Associate - Nanzan University Anthropological Institute, Nagoya, Japan
Visiting Fellow - South and South-east Asian Studies Department, Australian National University
Member - South Asia Research Institute (SARI), Australian National University

Skype / Zoom - psdmccartney
Phone + Whatsapp + Line:  +61410644259
Twitter - @psdmccartney @yogascapesinjap

bodhapūrvam calema ;-)