*Apologies for cross-posting*

Dear colleagues, 

My best wishes for the new year. 

The South Asian Network Ghent Research group at Ghent University  (https://research.flw.ugent.be/en/sangh) invites applications for a doctoral fellowship from students wishing to pursue a doctoral degree at our department. In addition to Jain Studies, our research group currently also hosts expertise in Indian Buddhism, South Asian literature (Sanskrit, Prakrit, Apabhramsha, Hindi) Indo-Aryan linguistics, and Indian Philosophy. As per the specialization of our research group, the envisaged doctoral project must engage with primary source material. 

Interested students are invited to send their CV and a short abstract describing their doctoral project. 

The candidates will apply for a doctoral fellowship through the Fund for Scientific Research – Flanders (www.fwo.be), with a deadline of March 1st. Note that only candidates holding a Master’s degree from a university in the EEA and Switzerland can apply. Others will first need to seek recognition of their foreign qualifications through NARIC (https://www.naricvlaanderen.be/en/naric-vlaanderen).

Please feel free to forward this information to any interested parties.

Best regards, 


Eva De Clercq
Associate Professor
South Asian languages and cultures
Ghent University