Dear All, 

I just got a scan of Ramanujacharya's "Kriyā-viśeṣaṇānāṃ karmatvam" and wanted to express my gratitude for getting this long saught opportunity to read this paper, so many thanks for sharing! Also, if anyone happens to have this paper by Bahulikar, kindly let me know.

Bahulikar, Saudamini, "The constructions stokaḥ pākaḥ and stokam pākaḥ", Proceedings and Transactions of the All India Oriental Conference, 22, pp. 93-98. (1966) 

कृतज्ञतापूर्वकं भवदीया,

On Thu, Dec 24, 2020 at 10:47 PM Blinderman, Radha <> wrote:
Dear All, 

Thanks to this list being a real kalyāṇakalpataru, I have received links to Nāgeśa's Uddyota and am deeply thankful for them. Ramanujacharya's article about adverbs (Ramanujacharya N.S. 1966 "Kriyā-viśeṣaṇānāṃ karmatvam" SVUOJ 9, Sanskrit section,: 9-14) seems more difficult to come by, but I am not losing hope that this wish, too, may be granted.


On Thu, Dec 24, 2020 at 6:54 PM Blinderman, Radha <> wrote:
Dear All,

Apologies if I am asking for too much in my holiday text-hoarding frenzy, but could someone share or let me know where I can find Nāgeśa's Uddyota (at least for Adhyāyas 2&3) and this article mentioned in Cardona's survey of research: ‘Ramanujacharya, N.S. 1966 "Kriyā-viśeṣaṇānāṃ karmatvam" [Adverbs as objects], SVUOJ 9 (Sanskrit section): 9-14. [In Sanskrit]'. I spent a lot of time trying to track this article, but to no avail so far.

Gratefully as ever,
