Dear friends and colleagues,

We are pleased and honoured to announce the recent publication of a felicitation volume for a truly remarkable scholar, Cristina Scherrer-Schaub, honorary professor of Buddhist Studies at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris) and the University of Lausanne : Archaeologies of the Written : Indian, Tibetan, and Buddhist Studies in Honour of Cristina Scherrer-Schaub, ed. Vincent Tournier, Vincent Eltschinger and Marta Sernesi, Naples, 2020, Universita degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”, UniorPress (Series Minor, vol. LXXXIX).

Ordering informations will follow in due course.

Here is the table of contents of the volume :


Prefatory Words, p. 9

Publications of Cristina Scherrer-Schaub, p. 13


Orna Almogi. Akaniṣṭha as a Multivalent Buddhist Word-cum-Name: With Special Reference to rNying ma Tantric Sources, p. 23

Yael Bentor. The Body in Enlightenment: Purification According to dGe lugs’ Works on the Guhyasamāja Tantra, p. 77


Johannes Bronkhorst. Sacrifice in Brahmanism, Buddhism, and Elsewhere: Theory and Practice, p. 95


Elena De Rossi Filibeck. Il dkar chag del monastero di Lamayuru (Ladakh), p. 103


Vincent Eltschinger. Aśvaghoṣa and His Canonical Sources: 4. On the Authority and the Authenticity of the Buddhist Scriptures, p. 127


Anna Filigenzi. The Myth of Yima in the Religious Imagery of Pre-Islamic Afghanistan An Enquiry into the Epistemic Space of the Unwritten, p. 171


Dominic Goodall. Tying down Fame with Noose-Like Letters: A Hitherto Unpublished Tenth-Century Inscription from Kok Romeas, p. 205


Arlo Griffiths. The Old Malay Mañjuśrīgṛha Inscription from Candi Sewu (Java, Indonesia), p. 225


Paul Harrison. Remarks on Recently Identified Sanskrit Fragments of the Pratyutpanna­buddhasaṃmukhāvasthitasamādhi-sūtra, P. 269

Guntram Hazod. The “Anti-Buddhist Law” and Its Author in Eighth-Century Tibet: A Re-consideration of the Story of Zhang Ma zhang Grom pa skyes, p. 287

Pascale Hugon. Vaibhāṣika-Madhyamaka: A Fleeting Episode in the History of Tibetan Philosophy, p. 323

Deborah Klimburg-Salter. The Materiality of the Bamiyan Colossi, across Three Millennia, p. 373

Leonard van der Kuijp. A Note on the “Old” and the “New” Tibetan Translations of the Prasannapadā, p. 417

Mauro Maggi. Suvarṇabhāsottamasūtra 5.9 and Its Khotanese Translation, p. 447

Georges-Jean Pinault. The Dharma of the Tocharians, p. 461

Isabelle Ratié. A Note on Śaṅkaranandana’s “Intuition” according to Abhinavagupta, p. 493

Akira Saito. Bhāviveka on prajñā, p. 517

Marta Sernesi. A Mongol Xylograph (hor par ma) of the Mahāyānasūtrālaṃkāra, p. 527

David Seyfort Ruegg. Remarks on Updating, Renewal, Innovation, and Creativity in the History of some Indian and Tibetan Knowledge Systems and Ways of Thought, p. 551

Francesco Sferra. Pudgalo ’vācyaḥ. Apropos of a Recently Rediscovered Sanskrit Manu­script of the Saṃmitīyas. Critical Edition of the First Chapter of the Abhi­dharma­samuccayakārikā of Saṅghatrāta, p. 647

Peter Skilling. Conjured Buddhas from the Arthavargīya to Nāgārjuna, p. 709

Ernst Steinkellner. Dharmakīrti and Īśvarasena, p. 751

Samuel Thévoz. Paris, vu du Toit du Monde : Adjroup Gumbo, gter ston du « pays de France », p. 767

Raffaele Torella. Abhinavagupta as an Aristocrat, p. 843

Vincent Tournier. Buddhist Lineages along the Southern Routes: On Two Nikāyas Active at Kanaganahalli under the Sātavāhanas, p. 857

Kurt Tropper. The Historical Inscription in the ’Du khang of mTho lding Monastery, p. 911

Dorji Wangchuk. The Three Royal Decrees (bka’ bcad gsum) in the History of Tibetan Buddhism, p. 943


Kind regards,

Vincent Tournier, Vincent Eltschinger, Marta Sernesi

Vincent Eltschinger, korrespondierendes Mitglied der OeAW
Directeur d'études
École Pratique des Hautes Études, Section des sciences religieuses
Patios Saint-Jacques, 4-14 rue Ferrus - 75014 Paris
0033 1 56 61 17 34 / 0033 7 85 86 84 05