It seems that the1948 ed. of the Candravākya-s corresponds in fact to the pages 82-86 of the 1948 ed. of the Haricarita by K. Raja (see below the link, or - - with some additions (which ones I do not know)

The reference to the Candravākya-s specific volume is found on Jisc and Hathitrust :

Candravākyas of Vararuci : (A practical guide for calculating the position of the sun and moon, namely, Tithi and Nakṣatra, on any day of the year) / [Edited] by C. Kunhan Raja.

Published [Adyar] Adyar Library 1948

Physical description
52 p. : ill., tables, diagrams ; 22 cm.
  • Cover title.
  • Reprinted from "Haricarita," A. L. S. no. 63.

Candravākyas of Vararuci 
(A practical guide for calculating the position of the sun and moon, namely, Tithi and Nakṣatra, on any day of the year) 
By C. Kunhan Raja. 

Published: [Adyar] Adyar Library, 1948.
Note: Reprinted from "Haricarita," A.L.S. no. 63.
Physical Description: 52 p., tables, diagr.ākyas_of_Vararuci.html?id=dz0aAAAAIAAJ

Début du message réexpédié :

De: Christophe Vielle via INDOLOGY <>
Objet: Rép : [INDOLOGY] candravakiam
Date: 11 novembre 2020 à 18:47:07 UTC+1
À: François Patte <>
Cc: Indology <>
Répondre à: Christophe Vielle <>

These Candravākya-s or Vararucivākya-s were edited by C. Kunhan Raja, Adyar Library, 1948 (I do not find the item online)
see K. Kunjunni Raja, Astronomy and Mathematics in Kerala, ALB 1963 reprinted as Adyar Pamphlet Series no. 50, 1995, pp. 3-4,
K.V. Sarma, Kerala School of Astronomy, 1972, pp. 43, 56, 106, 116-117
and K.D. Swaminathan 1972
+ the introduction of the Haricarita:
and the article of P.-S. Filliozat "Mathématiques et scolastique dans l'Inde médiévale,
l'exemple du Haricarita de Parameśvara Bhaṭa" in DELIRE J.M., Astronomy and Mathematics in Ancient India – Astronomie et Mathématiques de l’Inde Ancienne : Actes de la journée d’études organisée le 24 avril 2009 à l’Université Libre de Bruxelles, Leuven : Peeters Publishers, 2012, p. 77-86 (Lettres Orientales et Classiques 17).

Le 11 nov. 2020 à 17:59, François Patte via INDOLOGY <> a écrit :


Does someone know if there is somewhere an edition or, at least, some examples from this Vararuci's text.

On the internet, a lot of people talk about it, but no one gives an example of these vakia.

Thank you.
François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Laboratoire CNRS MAP5, UMR 8145
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
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Christophe Vielle

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Christophe Vielle