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From: Patrick Olivelle <>
Subject: Re: [INDOLOGY] Manusmriti ...
Date: October 29, 2020 at 9:35:11 AM CDT
To: rajam <>
Cc: Indology <>

There is no statement of Manu that states all women are prostitutes. There are statements which emphasizes the need for women to be under male control/protection, the need to guard them from even the slightest attachment to sensual pleasure (saṅga). See Manu 5.148ff, and 9.1ff.


On Oct 28, 2020, at 11:36 PM, rajam via INDOLOGY <> wrote:

Dear List Members,

I need your help in understanding something from Manusmriti.

Is there any passage/rule in this text that states that ‘all women are prostitutes’? Or anything close to such thought?

In Tamilnadu, there is a severe extremist movement wanting to burn Manusmriti. As the next election is approaching, the political scene is getting ugly as usual. One party’s propaganda includes that Manusmriti should be removed/burned down since it looks at women as prostitutes.

I was wondering if any of you would kindly check Manusmriti and let me know if he really declared that all women are prostitutes.

I would very much appreciate your help.

Thanks and regards,

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