Dear Harry Spier,

according to my limited knowledge, Vājasaneyins pronounce(d) Anunāsika before semi-vowels, sibilants and h as "ṅg", represented in writing by a special sign (as in your edition): śata śṛṇuyāma → "śataṅg śṛṇuyāma".
Quite similar to how Germans - in the majority of cases - pronounce French nasalizations, e.g. "Kartong" for "carton"

However, the pronunciation when reciting Saṃhitā texts replaces the articulation of Anusvāra with a spoken "guṃ". So "tā guṃ haitām ..." for tā haitām ..."

Your symbol represents an Anusvāra sign in a particular phonetic environment.

Vedicists will know better.


Am Di., 6. Okt. 2020 um 04:02 Uhr schrieb Harry Spier via INDOLOGY <>:
I pasted an image of a page in the text with the symbols but I've been informed off-list that it didn't showup so I'm attaching it.
Harry Spier

On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 5:39 PM Harry Spier <> wrote:
First thank you to Lauren Bausch, Steven Lindquest for the information about the editions and Caley Smith who pointed me to Weber's edition on

I've just looked at the Weber's printed text .  In the first line  of the image from the text I've pasted below there are two symbols I don't understand and have highlighted in red.  I've never seen the first.  The second looks like avagraha but I'm not clear why it is where it is between long a and a. 
Harry Spier
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