Dear Colleagues,

The IASS (International Association of Sanskrit Studies) offers three awards which can be seen here:, by clicking on “Awards” on the top bar. 

Two of them are coupled with a World Sanskrit Conference (WSC), usually held every 3 years: Professor RK Sharma Award and the DK Award.

With regard to the DK Award, however, the IASS has decided to keep to the original proposed date of the WSC in January 2021 (and not the now postponed date of January 2022). The main reason for this is to retain the three-year interval of the award.

The DK Award for an outstanding doctoral thesis on Sanskrit and related studies was inaugurated in 2006 by the International Association of Sanskrit Studies at the World Sanskrit Conference in Edinburgh, in collaboration with DK Agencies, Delhi.

The Award is for an outstanding PhD received in the period 2018-2020 on Sanskrit and related studies. It is for a scholar who is based outside South Asia.

As already said, the deadline for applications for the 2021 DK AWARD is 31st January 2020.

Please write to the undersigned to show your interest.

The IASS thanks Mr Ramesh Mittal of DK Agencies personally and DK Agencies as a firm for supporting Sanskrit scholarship in a generous way: One Thousand USD worth of books from DK Agencies.

A reminder that the deadline is 31 December 2021 will be sent out in December 2020.

Please see the details of the DK Award here:

NOTE: The website will not be changed to say that the 2021 DK Award this time is NOT coupled with a WSC.

yours sincerely,

Jayandra Soni


Secretary General, International Association of Sanskrit Studies with a Cc to

Previous DK awardees : Drs Wendy J. Phillips-Rodríguez, Himal Trikha, Michael Slouber and Andrew Ollett.