
Speijer has a section on the "locative of the spot whither" (pp. 103f. https://archive.org/details/cu31924023201183/page/n117/mode/2up) and gives several examples from classical Sanskrit texts, although not all of them would necessitate, in my opinion, the interpretation of "spot whither" such as "to submerge in", but others are really a place to which someone is going as in samīpavartini nagare prasthitaḥ (Pañcatantra 41). Off the top of my head I also don't know of any particular discussion in Sanskrit grammatical literature about this usage, and Speijer gives no references. I too am interested in knowing more.

All the Best,

On Tue, Sep 15, 2020 at 6:44 PM Tim Felix Aufderheide via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> wrote:

Dear list members,

can anybody point me to the Sutra/Bhashya in which Panini or the later Paniniyas state their view(s) regarding the grammaticality of locatives that denote the goal of a motion verb like gam- (as, e.g., in RV 7.32.10d gamat sa gomati vraje)? Even after hours of searching, I have to confess that I failed to find any Sutra/Bhashya vel sim. explicitely allowing this particular use of the locative...

NB: I am aware that the (from our perspective intransitive) motion verbs count as sakarmakas in native grammar and thus the accusative usually applies (apart from some cases in which the dative is licensed as well).

Thanks a lot in advance


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