Dear Colleagues,

We would be delighted if you could join us for this free online event:

'The many tumultuous and globally consequential events of 2020 have encouraged educators to reconsider resources, methods, and practices in their foreign language classrooms. While many online and global discussions on these topics are broadly applicable to classrooms teaching any language, this group endeavours to highlight those topics which are of special interest to those involved in teaching the classical and modern languages of South Asia in Australia and globally.'

Thursday, 17 Sep 2020, 7:00AM Eastern Australian time
Wednesday 16 Sep 2020, 5:00PM New York time
Wednesday 16 Sep 2020, 10:00PM London time
Thursday, 17 Sep 2020, 2:30AM New Delhi time

Details and registration here:

'Teaching South Asian Languages in 2020'



McComas Taylor
Associate Professor
Reader in Sanskrit
College of Asia and the Pacific
The Australian National University
WSC Website| McC Website

Tel: +61 2 6125 3179