We are happy to announce the online publication of the BuddhaNexus database at


BuddhaNexus, a collaborative project of the Khyentse Center, Universität Hamburg, is a database devoted to the study of Buddhist texts and literary corpora in Pāli, Sanskrit, Tibetan, and Chinese—with particular emphasis on evolution of scriptures, formation of canons, and intellectual networks—by way of locating textual matches within various Buddhist literary corpora and texts. The current version includes material in Pāli, Tibetan, and Chinese and Sanskrit. 
The Sanskrit data has been taken from the GRETIL canon and can be accessed directly under this link with some more detailed description of the methodology: https://buddhanexus.net/skt/neutral
Our deep gratitude goes to the GRETIL project and all the people that have contributed to it at this point! 
 The global search function of the BuddhaNexus is able to search within all the Sanskrit texts by applying a stemming algorithm on the search requests. The stemmer is accessible as a separate toolhere: https://buddhanexus.net/sanskrit-tools
In this way it is possible to find results that follow a different application of Sandhi, different use of morphological forms or particles and so on. The global search function of the BuddhaNexus is not able to replace precise search tools such as GREP, but it offers an alternative that follows a different approach. There are some limitations on the precision of the stemming algorithm, so it might happen that a desired result does not show up accordingly. 

Several other features are being currently developed, including linking to other databases and generating translingual matches. In the near future we plan to publish Sanskrit<>Tibetan bilingual matches. 

For questions and/or feedback, please contact us under buddhanexus.info@gmail.com.

With regards,

BuddhaNexus Team