Dear members,
I am following up from H.N. Chakravarty's annotated translation in Sāmarasya and am having a difficult time finding the following title:
Bahurūpagarbhastotra assigned to the Lalitasvacchanda, with the commentary (-viṣamapadasaṃketa) of Anantaśakti, ed. Śambhunāth Rāzdān. New Delhi: Śrī Lāl Bahādur Śāstrī Kendrīya-Saṃskṛta-Vidyāpīṭh, 1986.
I am hoping the kalpavṛkṣa (which is this list) might be able to point me in a more fruitful direction, or perhaps even have some type of electronic access.
with all best wishes,