Dear Professor Deshpande,विनीतस्पर्शसंकर्षे हर्षमर्षसंमिश्रणे /पृष्टामर्शे मृषाकाले ऽहर्षयच्छतकं तु नः // ;-)Thank You very much! I am really enjoying it.Best wishes,Jens ThomasAm Di., 18. Aug. 2020 um 05:18 Uhr schrieb Madhav Deshpande via INDOLOGY <>:Dear Friends,_______________________________________________My कोरोना-विडम्बन-शतकम् was published in the latest issue of अर्वाचीन-संस्कृतम् from Delhi. I am sharing the pdf with you. With best wishes,Madhav M. DeshpandeProfessor Emeritus, Sanskrit and LinguisticsUniversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USASenior Fellow, Oxford Center for Hindu Studies[Residence: Campbell, California, USA]
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--Jens Christian Thomas, M. A.Humboldt-Universität zu BerlinInvalidenstr. 118D-10115 BerlinDHARMA Project (ERC Synergy Grant)