Dear John,

in this regard I can warmly recommend The Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (CSMC) in Hamburg:

The researchers there are fully equipped with a variety of different instruments to digitalize and further analyze manuscripts and writing materials on the go, if necessary also only with light baggage, they surely might be of help for you. A sub-project also is invested in developing a model for pattern analysis in manuscripts.


Raik Strunz


Raik Strunz, M.A.

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter


Tel.: +49 345 / 55 23655 

Seminar für Südasienkunde und Indologie 

 — Indologie —

Orientalisches Institut

Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

Emil-Abderhalden-Straße 9

D-06108 Halle (Saale)


सर॑स्वत्यै॒  स्वाहा॑  ॥

>>> Arlo Griffiths via INDOLOGY <> 17.07.20 9.26 Uhr >>>
Adeline Levivier, Visual Data Manager for the DHARMA project, whom you see in action in this photo, has conceived this cube-shaped tent with movable LEDs and obtained excellent result for photographing copper plates during our fieldwork in Bangladesh last year. If there is interest, I can ask her to write up a description of how to build this very portable contraption.
Arlo Griffiths

Envoyé de mon iPhone

Le 17 juil. 2020 à 03:16, Dominik Wujastyk via INDOLOGY <> a écrit :

Dear John, I've never tried to buy one, but there's an "order" button on this web page:
If you do get one, I'd love to hear your experience with it.  If it's as good as it sounds, I'll get one too.  I don't have thousands of images like you, but I do some manuscript photography in India from time to time.  I've used a downward-facing Nikon on a tripod with a remote shutter release in the past.  Good results, but quite a fiddly setup, and good light is usually difficult.


Professor Dominik Wujastyk

Singhmar Chair in Classical Indian Society and Polity

University of Alberta, Canada

South Asia at the U of A:

On Thu, 16 Jul 2020 at 12:38, John Huntington via INDOLOGY <> wrote:
Dear Dominik
I was truly excited by your note on the Transksribus not so much by the project itself but by the scan tent that they are using. As you may know I have been both an art historian and  photographer of fine arts, of primarily Buddhist art, for five decades and the scan tent they are using with its internal lighting and ease of object manipulation seems ideal for some of our work. To that end I have tried to find one in the photographic equipment market. No luck. Do you have any idea where such a tool might be available?

Sorry to bother you with this but there are a couple of thousand flat images to prepare for the Archive, it will be a great service to me if you know. 

Thank you 

John Huntington
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