I once again thank Prof.Kapstein,Prof.Jonathan Silk and Prof.Clough for elaborating on this topic, an answer to which I was searching for long.However,I trying to evaluate the word"DipAgamanam Buddhassa" ,as found in Dipavamsa.Etymologically the word means, -Dipa=IslandAgamanam=Coming of.Buddhassa= Buddha's.which literally translate as-The coming of Buddha to the Island.In this context, I was going through an article written in 1926 by reputed Indian scholar Haraprasad Shastri from where I find that Buddha, during his lifetime, extensively visited the Nepal- bordering Eastern, and Northern part of India.Nothing has been mentioned regarding his visits to Southern peninsular India, or crossing the Bay of Bengal to reach Ceylone(present day Sri Lanka).I am not sure whether any other secondary source existsPrecisely, that is the reason why the word "Buddhassa DipAgamanam " appears intriguing to me . Does it indicate the àdvent of Buddhism to Lanka?I keep my fingers crossed.because in that case, the word"Buddhassa" seems to be out of placeThe arrival of Emperor Ashoka's son Mahindra and daughter Sanghamitra with 7 nuns happened much later, in 3rd BCE, while Gautam Buddha thrived in 6th BCE.Alakendu Das.
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