Dear Gaia,

     Now the only one volume missing is volume 3.  Is there are pdf for that one?  Best,

Madhav M. Deshpande
Professor Emeritus, Sanskrit and Linguistics
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Senior Fellow, Oxford Center for Hindu Studies

[Residence: Campbell, California, USA]

On Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 5:56 PM Gaia Pintucci via INDOLOGY <> wrote:
Dear list members,

Since someone requested a pdf of vol. 1, I decided to share the other two pdfs of Josyer's edition that are available to me, namely vol. 1 and 4: 
This link and the one I sent yesterday will be available for seven days.

All the best,
Gaia Pintucci

On Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 8:00 PM Gaia Pintucci <> wrote:
Dear Alessandro, dear all,

Here's a link to the pdf of vol. 2 from Josyer's edition:
Incidentally, it seems to be a DLI file, although I can't quite recollect where I found it.

All the best,
Gaia Pintucci

On Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 5:24 PM Alessandro Battistini via INDOLOGY <> wrote:
Dear Colleagues,

Does anyone have a pdf of Bhoja's Śṛṅgāraprakāśa in Josyer's edition? I'm looking for the second volume, containing the description of prabandhālaṃkāras (Coronation Press, 1963). 

Thank you in advance,

Alessandro Battistini
UniBo/Shivadharma Project
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