The printing costs of Aufrecht's Catalogus Catalogorum (1891) were borne entirely by the DMG.
Cp. Richard Pischel et al., "Die Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft 1845-1895". Leipzig 1895: pp. 9; 39f.


Am Fr., 26. Juni 2020 um 10:28 Uhr schrieb Peter Wyzlic via INDOLOGY <>:
Dear Martin Gluckman,

The persons behind Aufrecht’s Catalogus Catalogorum were only one: Aufrecht himself. Since his stay in Britain he collected as much published catalogues, lists, reports and so on as he could find. And during his lifetime, he contributed catalogues by himself: he catalogued the Sanskrit manuscripts in the Bodleian in Oxford, the collections in Trinity College, Dublin, a collection in Florence, Indic manuscripts in the Leipzig University Library, and - posthumously published - the Sanskrit manuscripts in the Bavarian State Library, Munich.

Concerning the sponsors behind the Catalogus Catalogorum beside the institutions who paid Aufrecht’s salary: it can be that the German Oriental Society (DMG) gave financial support, I guess. To know more you have to delve into the DMG reports and, maybe, unpublished archival resources. There is, furthermore, a still unpublished exchange of letters between Aufrecht and Albrecht Weber who knew each other since the 1840s. According to the Kalliope database there are 107 letters of Aufrecht to Weber stored in the Berlin State Library (ranging from 1847 to 1888, URL: <>). 

After Aufrecht’s death, his library was taken over by Eugen Prym (1843-1913) who was professor of Oriental languages in Bonn and a colleague of Aufrecht there (but not an Indologist by himself). Prym’s widow donated the library to Bonn University. So, the Prym library became the base of the new department libraries of the Oriental Institute and the Indology department in Bonn, after 1918.

Hope it helps,

Peter Wyzlic

Am 26.06.2020 um 01:24 schrieb Martin Gluckman via INDOLOGY <>:

Does anyone know where to find a decent history of Aufrecht's Catalogus Catalogurum, when it was started and finished, sponsors, who worked on it and so forth?

Besides: (thanks Dominik) I have yet to find much.

Institut für Orient- und Asienwissenschaften
Universität Bonn
Brühler Straße 7
53119 Bonn

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