Dear Professor Deshpande, 

There are such studies, and you will find them by searching for "intrinsic pitch," "intrinsic fundamental frequency," and "intrinsic F0." I'm not an expert in this area at all, but you might take as a starting point Carlos Gussenhoven's 2004 The Phonology of Tone and Intonation §1.4.3, §3.6.1, and §5.3.3.

Wishing you all the best, 

Dieter Gunkel

On Sun, Jun 14, 2020 at 1:18 PM Madhav Deshpande via INDOLOGY <> wrote:
I have been wondering if there are any phonetic studies of the different inherent pitches for various vowels and consonants. Is Sanskrit त intrinsically higher in pitch compared to थ द and ध?

Madhav Deshpande
Madhav M. Deshpande
Professor Emeritus, Sanskrit and Linguistics
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Senior Fellow, Oxford Center for Hindu Studies

[Residence: Campbell, California, USA]
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