Dear Harry,
Vaṁśīdhara in his comment on the first verse writes: kanakamañjarī naś ca rau lagau iti sūtrāt. The definition scans right, so to his mind the meter is Kanakamañjarī. I don’t know which sūtra he has in mind.
Best wishes,
Aleksandar Uskokov
Lector in Sanskrit
South Asian Studies Council, Yale University
203-432-1972 |
From: INDOLOGY <> on behalf of Harry Spier via INDOLOGY <>
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2020 10:05 PM
To: <>
Subject: [INDOLOGY] Metre of gopī-gītamDear list members,
Can anyone identify the meter of the gopī-gītam (Bhāgavata X, chapter 31).See this link:
It is 11 syllable's per line but as far as I can see it is different from the 11 syllable metres in Apte's dictionaries appendix.Thanks,Harry Spier