About two years ago, Prof Sir Jan Meulenbeld's personal library of ayurvedic and scientific Indian literature was donated to the Wellcome Library in London.  The books are there, and safe, but still awaiting cataloguing.  In reply to a query last week, I received this email from the library:

Dear Dominik

I have been informed by our Collections and Research team that the Meulenbeld collection is currently in off-site storage, awaiting cataloguing, which is currently on hold due to COVID-19.

Each item, when catalogued, will state in the Note field that it was donated from the library of Sir Gerrit Jan Meulenbeld and will be searchable in the catalogue.

For example, we have items in our collection that were donated to us from the Women’s Health Library.  If you use Women’s Health Library as your keyword in the library catalogue search box it will bring up all the items that were donated from this library:


This will be the method to use for searching for Sir Meulenbeld’s donated works in the future, e.g. “Sir Gerrit Jan Meulenbeld library”.

The books currently discoverable in the catalogue by Meulenbeld are not part of the donated works, hence no mention of being donated by Sir Gerrit in their note fields.

I hope this helps.

Professor Dominik Wujastyk

Singhmar Chair in Classical Indian Society and Polity

University of Alberta, Canada

South Asia at the U of A: