I do not remember who wrote the following on Indology List:
The four volumes of the TSS edition of the Amarakosa with commentary, gathered from various sources, can now be downloaded from here:
https://opac.sub.uni-goettingen.de/DB=1.20/CMD?ACT=SRCHA&IKT=1016&SRT=YOP&TRM=namalinganusasana%3F+trivandrum (plain image PDFs with index/bookmarks)
A click on the individual entries for volumes 1-4 opens the respective record, where the download links are found at the bottom.
Le 4 juin 2020 à 13:38, Dhaval Patel via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> a écrit :_______________________________________________Respected scholars,If anyone of you is aware about a PDF scan of the following work, or is willing to scan it afresh for me, I would appreciate it.Trivandrum Sanskrit Series XLIIIAmarakosha with Amarakoshodghatana and Tikasarvasva.I am aware about the following archive.org file, but it is not amenable to OCRing.A separate scan if any exists would be helpful.--Dr. Dhaval Patel, I.A.SCollector and District Magistrate, Surat
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