Dear Colleagues,
I would like to draw your attention to this newly published book:
Oral-Written-Performed: the Rāmāyana narratives in Indian
literature and arts, ed. by Danuta Stasik (Heidelberg:
CrossAsia eBooks, 2020). The whole book as
well as the individual chapters can be accessed under the DOI:
(for free download, or print editions for purchase). It is the
outcome of a panel at the 25th European Conference on South Asian
Studies, Paris, July 2018).
I should declare an
interest in that both Mary and I have chapters in it ("Showing
what is not: the use of illusion in classical Sanskrit Rāma plays"
and "Stories in stone: sculptural representations of the Rāmāyaṇa
narrative" respectively).
With all good wishes
John Brockington
Professor J.L. Brockington
113 Rutten Lane
Kidlington 0X5 1LT
tel: 01865 849438