The stanza is cited by Olivelle 2011 p. 114 n30 and again p. 181
there you find NpvU 160.
I could also not find in this paper what NpvU means.
Dear colleagues,
Can anyone help me identify a Smṛti source for this stanza?
strīṇām avācyadeśasya klinnanāḍīvraṇasya ca |
abhede 'pi manobhedāj janaḥ prāyeṇa vañcyate ||
I have an e-text of Vidyāraṇya's Jīvanmuktiviveka which says:
39. tathā ca smṛtibhir jugupsā varṇitā:
strīṇām avācyadeśasya klinnanāḍīvraṇasya ca |abhede 'pi manobhedāj janaḥ prāyeṇa vañcyate || [NpU p. 160]
But I don't know which text is intended with "NpU" and anyhow would like to know if the stanza is attested more broadly.
I don't mean any offense in drawing attention to this stanza. I ask only because it happens to be transmitted on Bali in the Sārasamuccaya (stanza 89 in Raghu Vira's edition).
Arlo Griffiths
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