Le 9 mai 2020 à 22:39, Arlo Griffiths via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> a écrit :It seems a pdf is available for a small fee here:I have never tried this website so satisfaction not guaranteed.It is frustrating that on the whole French books are much less easily available online than books in English.Arlo Griffiths_______________________________________________Envoyé de mon iPhoneLe 8 mai 2020 à 11:55, Daniela De Simone via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> a écrit :_______________________________________________Dear List Members,I would be very grateful if anyone would be able to share with me a PDF of Casal, J.-M. and Casal, G. (1956). Site Urbain et Sites Funéraires des Environs de Pondichéry: Virampatnam, Mouttrapaléon, Souttoukèny. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.Libraries are still closed in the UK and it is unclear when they will re-open.Thank you very much.Kind regards,Daniela De Simone
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