Thanks a lot to Reinhold and Phillipp for their responses. The GRETIL e-edition is as convenient as possible, short of an e-text.

I take the opportunity of asking if anyone knows who typed the attached file, which I received in a batch from a colleague, who doesn't remember from whom he got it. I am correcting the typing errors, adding the Old Javanese paraphrases, and formatting the whole in TEI. The resulting xml file will in due course be made available via suitable channels. I'd like to acknowledge the work of the person who typed the Sanskrit stanzas.

Arlo Griffiths

From: INDOLOGY <> on behalf of Gruenendahl, Reinhold via INDOLOGY <>
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2020 7:54 AM
Subject: Re: [INDOLOGY] Indische Sprüche

Dear colleagues,

please note that the standard "Zweite vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage" (1870-1873) is available for download in the GRETIL e-library:

In addition to a searchable text of the German translation, each PDF has an index/bookmarks according to initial letters and Böhtlingk's running numbers -- but, alas, no searchable Sanskrit text.

Best wishes,
Reinhold Grünendahl

Von: INDOLOGY <> im Auftrag von Arlo Griffiths via INDOLOGY <>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 30. April 2020 09:07
Betreff: [INDOLOGY] Indische Sprüche
Dear colleagues,

I have just found this remarkable resource: <>. But has any virtuous person created an e-text of the Indische Sprüche?

Best wishes,

Arlo Griffiths

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