_______________________________________________Apologies for the "ārṣa" usage in my previous one. Perhaps better like this:यस्मिञ्छुद्धमिति प्रसस्नुरुरगाः प्राग्देवमर्त्यास्तथा
यच्चेदंतनलोकजाड्यवशगं तुल्यं विषेणाभवत्।
संस्तब्धेषु विषाणुना तदधुना विद्वत्सु मूर्खेषु च
चित्रं पश्य सुरापगे परिगतं पेयत्वमम्भस्तव॥In which serpents, gods and mortals once bathed saying “It is pure!”—
Which has become like poison, helpless against the dumbness of people in this age—
Now that dumb and wise alike are restrained by a virus,
Look and wonder, Divine River: that water of yours has turned fit to drink.DanielOn Tue, 28 Apr 2020 at 08:31, Christian Ferstl via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> wrote:
कोरोनावरणार्थाय मुखावृतिवृताननः ।
संगच्छते नु कले ऽस्मिन् दिगम्बरजनो ऽपि किम् ॥
Do Digambara Jains also meet with masked faces in order to protect
against Corona these days?
Christian Ferstl
Am 27.04.2020 15:13, schrieb Madhav Deshpande via INDOLOGY:
> A distraction from the Coronavirus
> केशैर्विहीनानि शिरांसि
> येषाम्
> किं नापितै: कार्यमिहास्ति
> तेषाम् ।
> न स्पर्शभीतिर्न धनव्ययो
> वा
> खल्वाटवन्त: खलु भाग्यवन्त:
> ।।
> Those who have no hair on their heads, what purpose do they have with
> barbers. They have no fear of contracting the Coronavirus, nor any
> expenditures. The bald people are really fortunate.
> Madhav M. Deshpande
> Professor Emeritus, Sanskrit and Linguistics
> University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
> Senior Fellow, Oxford Center for Hindu Studies
> [Residence: Campbell, California, USA]
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