with यौगपद्योपरि  >>> यौगपद्यस्योपरि   

On Wed, 8 Apr 2020 at 08:47, Jan E.M. Houben <jemhouben@gmail.com> wrote:
    कोरोणोपप्लुते लोके   सुप्रसिद्धाः कुजादयः ।
   प्लूतश्चापू्र्वविज्ञातस्   तद्राशौ समवस्थिताः ॥
   (no translation, but a vṛtti-style explanation in simple Sanskrit :)
सर्वमनुष्यलोके कोरोणोपप्लुते सति । सुप्रसिद्धा ज्योतर्विद्यायाः पुराणशास्त्रेषु सुविज्ञाताः कुजादयो मंगलगुरुशनैश्चरा ग्रहा द्युचराः । प्लूतश्च ज्योतर्विद्यायाः पुराणशास्त्रेषु सर्वथैवाविज्ञातः सांप्रतं तु प्रामाण्यसिद्धभावो ग्रहो वा महाशैलो वा । ते चत्वारोऽपीदानीं कोरोणोपप्लवकालेऽत्यद्भुतत्वेन तद्राशौ तस्मिन्नेव मकरराशौ समवस्थिताः । मनुष्यद्युलोकयोरुपप्लवग्रहसंयोगयोर्  यौगपद्यमात्रमेवात्रोच्यते कार्यकारणसंबन्धस्यात्यन्तमभावात् । तथापि पूर्वकालात् प्रभृतीदानींपर्यन्तं यौगपद्यस्योपरि  मनुष्यैरेव मनुष्यार्थाध्यासो दृश्यते । अस्मिंश्च कोरोणोपप्लवकाल इदमेव समाश्वासनम् – यथाशंकितमिव ग्रहादिसंनिधिरुदपद्यत तथा तद्वियोगोऽपि भविष्यतीति ॥

For this perspective of “cultural astronomy and astrology”, the planetary positions for Paris, 8 April 2020, are those provided at:
 “Displayed time is Local Clock time for selected location”
“By default, Lahiri/Chitrapaksha Ayanamsha is used which can be changed to Tropical, B. V. Raman or Krishnamurthy”

Sanskrit, though often associated or even identified with “traditionalism”, can *also* be used to express, with all required precision, (partly) untraditional, unconventional, innovative thoughts, for instance about planets and planetory objects entirely unknown in ancient and classical śāstric learning, or about the absence of popularly accepted direct causal relations. Classical Sanskrit, in contradistinction to then contemporary late Vedic and early Prakritic dialects and sociolects, was created almost as a kind of widely, freely and easily accessible[1] *Esperanto* (the 19th century language of espoir 'hope' for international communication), to an important measure by (Buddhist) communities and scholars and authors (Amara, Aśvaghoṣa, Jinendrabuddhi etc.) who wanted to communicate, across petty linguistic and dialectal borders, ideas which were, at that time, untraditional, unconventional, and innovative (as I recently argued here: 
[1] easily accessible in comparison to all other languages at the time, except for each one’s mother tongue and closely related or directly neighbouring languages (ironically, in the Occident Sanskrit has become the epitome of ... “being difficult”) ; another aspect to this which is a further proof that it was originally indeed easily accessible (applying to Sanskrit as it applied to Esperanto when it was in fashion) : it is felt to be less emotionally expressive by authors in regional languages (prof. George Hart, this list, two days ago).
Stay well and safe, 
Jan Houben

Jan E.M. Houben

Directeur d'Études, Professor of South Asian History and Philology

Sources et histoire de la tradition sanskrite

École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE, Paris Sciences et Lettres)

Sciences historiques et philologiques 

johannes.houben [at] ephe.psl.eu
