Dear members of the list,
I would be grateful to anyone with a scan of the following 2 works who might forward it to me:
1. V. S. AGRAWALA, The Thousand-Syllabled Speech [Being a Study in Cosmic Symbolism in Its Vedic Version]: I. Vision in Long Darkness, Introduction
and Analysis, Text and Translation of the Asya-Vāmīya Sūkta of Ṛishi Dīrghatamas (Ṛigveda 1.164.1-52). Varanasi: Vedāraṇyaka
Ashram, 1963.
BROWN, « Agni, sun, sacrifice and Vāc : a sacerdotal ode by Dīrghatamas (Rig Veda 1. 164) », JAOS 88 (1988), p. 199-218.
With all thanks and best wishes,
Lyne Bansat-Boudon