Thanks everybody for elucidating on the correctness of Gautama or Gotam, as the compiler of Nyay philosophy.However, a difference of approach do exist as far as Gautama or Gotama is concerned.The difference lies in two primary sources.Skanda Purana makes it clear that sage Gautama , Ahalya's husband, came to be known as Akhshapada.Whereas, While we turn our attention to The Adiparva of Epic Mahabharata( Chapter 104) the progeny of Utathya and Mamata lost his vision at birth, and came to be known as Dirghatama( "Tama" means darkness, and" Dirgha "implies, something prolonged)This Dirgha subsequently came to known as Gotama.( which means one with superior reverred vision).The epic further states that Gotama made his eyes (Akshi) bloom on his feet( Pada) and came to be known as Akhshapada.( Ref- Anushashana Parva, 33/11)