Coronavirus - “Touch me not” 3
नवीनोऽस्पर्शयोगोऽयं कोरोनासंप्रवर्तित: ।
न स्पृशेयं क्वचित् किञ्चिद् विमुख: स्वमुखादपि ।।
This new Yoga of No Touch is brought to you by the Coronavirus. I shall not touch anything and I have turned away even from my own face.
Coronavirus - “Touch me not” 4
स्पर्शस्य प्रतिषेधश्चेदावयो: कि प्रयोजनम् ।
दूरतश्चिन्तया हस्तौ पश्यतस्तौ परस्परम् ।।
If touching is forbidden, of what use are the two of us. With this worry, the two hands just look at each other from a distance.