Dear all,

Please find below the Call for Abstracts for a Special Panel on Sanskrit Syntax at the 2021 World Sanskrit Conference in Canberra.

If you have any queries, please direct them to me at

Many thanks

  in the name of the panel convenors




Call for Abstracts for a Special Panel on Sanskrit Syntax at the 18th World Sanskrit Conference in Canberra, January 18-22, 2021 

(Conference Website:

As noted by Hock (2015), syntax continues to receive less scholarly attention than other aspects of Sanskrit linguistics, and this is particularly true of the post-Vedic language. At the same time, an increasing number of scholars have begun to integrate the methods and advances of modern theoretical syntax with the study of Sanskrit, and the increasing availability of digitized Sanskrit corpora (e.g. via GRETIL, SARIT, TITUS) means that it is becoming more feasible to make precise statements and valid generalisations about Sanskrit syntax.

Now more than ever, research on Sanskrit syntax is able to move beyond the descriptive accounts of the past to precise, formalised explanations. Moreover, syntactic research can now take account of more fine-grained differences than previously identifiable, for example between texts of different periods and genres, as well as within texts.


To compare results and methodologies and to consider how to best advance this area in the context of the WSC 2021 theme ‘Future Directions’, we are particularly interested in papers addressing the following topics:


- The benefits and challenges of applying modern theoretical syntax to Sanskrit;

- Evidence for syntactic change and variation between different forms of Sanskrit;

- Semantic influences on syntactic patterns in Sanskrit;

- Genre differences, both across and within texts.


Please submit a 500-word abstract by the March 31 deadline to


Panel Convenors:

Prof. John Lowe, Dr Adriana Molina Muñoz, Dr Antonia Ruppel (University of Oxford)

Prof. H. H. Hock (University of Illinois)

Dr. Eystein Dahl (The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø)