Hello Simon,

I am so pleased to see this -- congratulations and thank you! Just in time for my course on Vishnu and Krishna next semester! I am also looking forward to reading about your issues with Vaidya.


Dr. Christopher R. Austin
Dalhousie University
Associate Professor, Religious Studies (Dept. of Classics)
Program Director and Undergraduate Advisor, Religious Studies
Treasurer, Canadian Corporation for Studies in Religion

From: Simon Brodbeck <BrodbeckSP@cardiff.ac.uk>
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2019 10:11 AM
To: indology@list.indology.info <indology@list.indology.info>; +++RISA ACADEMIC DISCUSSION LIST+++ <risa-l@lists.sandiego.edu>
Subject: [RISA-L LIST] Harivamsha publication announcement

Dear colleagues,


I am happy to announce the following publication:


Simon Brodbeck (trans.), Krishna's Lineage: the Harivamsha of Vyāsa's Mahābhārata, Translated from the Sanskrit. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019. Pp. xl + 420. Hardback ISBN 9780190279172; paperback ISBN 9780190279189.


It is a complete translation of P. L. Vaidya's critically reconstituted version (Poona, 1969).

There are further details on the publisher's website here:



The translation and its introduction are aimed at the general reader, so I have also published an article which is essentially a companion piece intended for a scholarly audience, discussing in some depth the edition used, the emendations made, the translation strategies adopted, and a few of the trickier passages:


Simon Brodbeck, "Translating Vaidya's Harivaṃśa", Asian Literature and Translation 6.1 (2019), pp. 1187.


Abstract and download of that paper are available here:



With all best wishes,

Simon Brodbeck

Cardiff University