Dear Friends, 

Might anyone know of a potential textual source of this origin myth paraphrased below. This is one of the origin myths of the Telegu/mallabhāṣā-speaking Jettis. 

The second origin myth relates to  Kṛṣṇa, who gave the caste a devamaṇi (“divine” amulet); which was to be held for ten days each by one family each representing every gotra of the caste. However, when the diamond was passed on to the family representing the Viśvāmitra gotra, two brothers fought for it; and, eventually, it was cut in half. Their guru cursed them that they should live by breaking each other’s hands.

Also, might anyone know of a descriptive grammar of the above mentioned 'mallabhāṣa'? I have come across snippets in old gazetteers of Mysore, etc. Or throw away lines like, "they speak a deficient form of Prakrit called mallabhāsā". 


All the best,

パトリック マッカートニー
Patrick McCartney, PhD
JSPS Fellow - Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, Japan
Research Associate - Nanzan University Anthropological Institute, Nagoya, Japan
Research Affiliate - Organization for Identity and Cultural Development (OICD), Kyoto
Visiting Fellow - South and South-east Asian Studies Department, Australian National University
Member - South Asia Research Institute (SARI), Australian National University

Skype / Zoom - psdmccartney
Phone + Whatsapp + Line:  +81-80-9811-3235
Twitter - @psdmccartney @yogascapesinjap

bodhapūrvam calema ;-)