On 3 Oct 2019, at 16:39, Philipp Maas via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> wrote:
Dear Herman,
Further textual references to the use of a yoga strap in yoga literature can be found on p. 71 of my article "'Sthirasukham Āsanam': Posture and Performance in Classical Yoga and Beyond", which you find published in open-access here.
Best wishes,
Dr. Philipp A. Maas
Research Associate
Institut für Indologie und Zentralasienwissenschaften
Universität Leipzig___________________________
_______________________________________________Am Do., 3. Okt. 2019 um 16:10 Uhr schrieb Tieken, H.J.H. via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info>:
_______________________________________________Dear List members,
Jaina monks, or their followers, are often depicted sitting with a strap going around their bodies and legs. (a few years ago I saw this contraption in a posh interior decorating shop in Leiden as an alternative chair!) Could anyone tell me if this strap, or sitting supported by this strap, had a (Sanskrit, MIA or NIA) name. By the way, it is not a particular Jaina practice. If I remember well, the strap can also be seen on, for instance, the Borobudur.
Herman TiekenStationsweg 582515 BP Den HaagThe Netherlands00 31 (0)70 2208127
website: hermantieken.com
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