Dear Dominik,
This raises a fundamental question: I have been under the impression that while one can claim copyright (what you note in your mail with (C) ) over work like critical notes, annotations, translation etc, one *cannot* claim copyright over editions of classical texts. (I'm not debating whether this is reasonable or not and the effort and expertise it takes to create an edition, just reporting my understanding of the law). Therefore, according to my understanding, if I take your edition of a text, and type it up *without any notes etc* i can publish it.
I suppose --maybe I am just ignorant here--that this has never been litigated because there is no money in it for anyone. After all, who would go to court to prevent me from copying a critical edition of the Ṛkpratiśākhya?
I realize I haven't framed this as a question, but what is your take?