Dear colleagues,

With apologies for cross-posting… On the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi (Wednesday October 2), the Library of Congress and Embassy of India will invite the public to the Library’s Whittall Pavilion for a special display on Gandhiji’s life and legacy. The display, which is free and open to all from 11:00am to 4:00pm, draws from the Library’s collections to highlight Mahatma Gandhi’s contributions to nonviolence in India and the United States. Those in the DC area on October 2 are most welcome to visit -- and the welcome certainly extends to all list members to visit the Asian Reading Room whenever your travels bring you through DC.

For details and collection highlights on display on 10/2, please see the Library of Congress press release: The event flyer is also attached as a jpeg.


Ahead of this event, the Library of Congress digitized its handwritten draft of Mahatma Gandhi’s essay “A Common Platform," which bears the signature “M.K. Gandhi” on page six. This draft is viewable online ( and discussed in more detail in a recent blog post ( 


Kind regards,



Jonathan Loar, Ph.D.


South Asia Reference Librarian

Asian Division, Library of Congress

(202) 707-3417


LibGuide: South Asian Manuscripts at the Library of Congress

4 Corners of the World Blog and its South Asia content

International Collections Facebook Page

LC display, Mahatma Gandhi 150th birth anniversary.jpg