Esteemed colleagues, 

I would be very grateful if someone could kindly provide me with a PDF of the chapter on Angulimala ("Der Mörder Angulimaala") from Monika Zin's book, Mitleid und Wunderkraft: schwierige Bekehrungen und ihre Ikonographie im indischen Buddhismus. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2006, pp. 101-124 or, alternatively, with the page no. to her statement that Angulimala represents the klesha 'anger' ("Zorn"?), referring to (or citing?) a corresponding explanation given in the Arthaviniścayasūtranibandhana, if I remember this last part correctly? I need to update the reference for a publication but don't have her book at hand. Unfortunately, I'm unable at the moment to obtain the book through a library or receive it in time for the deadline. 

Many thanks!  

Bruno Galasek-Hul 
