Brill, the typeface of the publishing house, is quite elegant. It is available on their website.

From: INDOLOGY <> on behalf of Al Collins via INDOLOGY <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 9:36:56 PM
To: <>
Subject: [INDOLOGY] Fwd: Font for sanskrit/pāli
A non-member of the list asked me this question, which I am not the best person to answer. I realize it may be a matter of personal preference with no right answer.
Al Collins, PhD.
Pacifica Graduate Institute

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:
> I am curious if you know of a book-ish/print-ish font that looks good in both English and Pāli. I have been using Garamond Pro for my dissertation document, but the macrons and other Pāli characters never rendered very well. Times New Roman is just so dry.

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