Best wishes to you Agathe. Your support is greatly appreciated. If nothing else, though I think the case can easily be made for excluding Elst at this stage, hopefully we can amend the language to prevent such undermining and demeaning attacks from escalating or at least allow the committee easier recourse to disinviting abusers from the forum. 



On Sun, Jun 30, 2019 at 3:16 PM Agathe Keller <> wrote:
Dear Tyler, patricia and antonia,

just an off list message of support and warmth as the level of insults gets worse at every posting

twenty years back already the original indology list had came down precisely by a simillar kind of attack in which Konrad Elst was  already involved…

it shows how right you are to hold you’re ground and how in danger a certain kind of gentle academia is, alas



Patricia Sauthoff
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of History and Classics
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Canada