_______________________________________________Dear colleagues,When these discussions arise that have a political dimension, and you feel moved to write to one of the good guys with a message of support, please think about sending it publicly. Messages of support are a very good thing, public or private. Anything is better than nothing. But sending such a message publicly can greatly magnify the effectiveness of the support for the individual. It also sends a message to everyone, on this list and beyond, that there is a ground-swell of kindness, of human fellow-feeling, positivity and watchfulness amongst the majority of our community. We care about each other and will support each other when attacked.ÂBest wishes,Dominik--Professor Dominik Wujastyk,
Singhmar Chair in Classical Indian Society and Polity,
University of Alberta, Canada.South Asia at the U of A:Âsas.ualberta.ca
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