_______________________________________________Dear colleagues,
I am happy to announce that a PDF file of the third volume of the new edition of the MahÄvastu, ed. by Dr. Marciniak, is now available on the website of IRIAB (http://iriab.soka.ac.jp/en/publication/bppb.html). Some addenda et corrigenda are incorporated in the file. A list of further addenda et corrigenda will be occasionally renewed and uploaded. I myself and Dr. Marciniak are now preparing vols. I and II, which will be published in the coming years.
A proposed abbreviation of this edition is as follows:
Mv(KM)  =  The MahÄvastu: A New Edition by Seishi Karashima and Katarzyna Marciniak, 3 vols., Tokyo: The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka University. 2019–.
With best wishes,
Seishi Karashima
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