IG0256.JPG is in Malayalam script an extract from the BhgP, cf. at the end (two last lines) = 7,30-31
BhP_07.09.030/4 nāneva tair[avasita]stadanupraviṣṭaḥ
BhP_07.09.031/1 tvamvā idaṃ sadasadīśa bhavāṃstato 'nyo

De: Christophe Vielle <christophe.vielle@uclouvain.be>
Objet: Rép : [INDOLOGY] Indian Manuscripts from Switzerland
Date: 24 juin 2019 à 15:31:02 UTC+2

IVB029 (4).JPG appears to display in Malayalam script declined nominal forms (like in the SIddharûpam grammar), e.g. dyau.h, divo, diva.h etc.

Le 24 juin 2019 à 13:05, Peter Wyzlic via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> a écrit :

Am 24.06.2019 um 12:31 schrieb Manu Francis via INDOLOGY:

Claire Brizon (cc-ed), a colleague from the Bern University, recently sent me photographs of palm-leaf manuscripts brought in the 18th century from India to Switzerland by Swiss mercenaries (Polier, Villaret).

I could identify the language and script of 2 Tamil manuscripts. There are 4 other items: in Malayalam, Singhalese and Telugu/Kannada, it seems.

Could knowledgeable ones kindly confirm/infirm my guesses and say more about the contents of the manuscripts?

Here are the pictures:


Please contact directly Claire Brizon <claire.brizon@ikg.unibe.ch>.

The manuscript BCU_Lausanne_G180A is written in Burmese script (used for Burmese, Pali, Mon). I am not proficient enough to make more of it. At first sight it doesn't look like Pali.

Hope it helps
Peter Wyzlic

Universität Bonn
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Christophe Vielle

Christophe Vielle