Thanks again to all who replied so far. The list of sources
contributed by Seishi Karashima is particularly impressive; I have
been able to consult some, but not all.
Thus far, unless I am mistaken, it seems that three kinds of
reduplicated formations chiefly occur:
1. The ghanāghana type with lengthened ā (or, once, ū) and an
intensive meaning. The examples cited by traditional grammarians
seem all (?) to be directly derived from a verbal root (even, pace
Renou §147, vadāvada?). Renou §87, however, also cites
priyāpriya from the Buddhacarita and jihmājihma from Mhv (=
Mahāvastu?). Does this distinction of sources suggest the latter
subtype to be secondary and modelled on the former?
2. The nava-nava type without lengthened ā, formed from regular
adjectives and likewise intensive in meaning.
3. The menāmenam or kacākaci type with lengthened ā, used
adverbially and meaning 'from X to X' or 'X against X'.
Some would include repetitions of inflected words, such as dyavi
dyavi, as a fourth kind.
In the instances which prompted my query, krūrākrūraiḥ and
saumyāsaumyaiḥ (and, a little later in the same text, śubhāśubhaiḥ)
are all (substantivized) adjectives. If the same is true of the
priyāpriya and jihmājihma cited by Renou, these would seem to be
parallel cases. How, in the absence of a living accent system, such
intensive formations are to be distinguished from the far more
common dvandva compounds of the priya-apriya type is an open
question. Only by context, I suppose.