Dear Martin,

I think your best bet for this would be to trawl the indices for Vedic in a Lithuanian etymological dictionary, or the indices for Lithuanian in Mayrhofer's Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altindoarischen.

A very good and quite reliable dictionary for Old Lithuanian was recently published a few years ago:

Hock, Wolfgang, Elvira-Julia Bukevičiūtė, Christiane Schiller, Reiner Fecht, Anna Helene Feulner, Eugen Hill & Dagmar S. Wodtko (eds) 2015. Altlitauisches etymologisches Wörterbuch. Band I: A - M. Band II: N - Ž. Band III: Verzeichnisse und Indices. Hamburg: Baar Verlag.

If you can read Polish, also useful and up to date is the following which includes the contemporary language:

Smoczyński, Wojciech. 2007. Słownik etymologiczny języka litewskiego.Wilno: Uniwersytet Wileński, Wydział Filologiczny.

In English there is also Rick Derksen's recent Etymological Dictionary of the Baltic Inherited Lexicon which follows the Leiden School of Indo-European reconstruction:

Derksen, Rick. 2015. Etymological Dictionary of the Baltic Inherited Lexicon. Leiden: Brill.

Hope these suggestions help.

Best wishes,


Dr. M. J. C. Scarborough

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"Soviele Sprachen du sprichst, soviele Menschen du bist."

On 2019-04-25 17:55, Martin Gluckman via INDOLOGY wrote:

Dear friends,
Could someone kindly point me to lists/sources for old (or modern) Lithuanian - Sanskrit (classical or Vedic) cognates.
Also any if any comparative grammar studies have been done that would also be useful.
With kindest wishes,
Martin Gluckman

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