Call for Papers for a special Focus section in The Newsletter, published by International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden, the Netherlands


The summer issue of The Newsletter*, to be published in June 2020, will feature a Focus section on the theme:

The history and contemporary relevance of Jainism and nonviolence in Asian traditions

Jainism, like Hinduism and Buddhism, is one of the three ancient traditions from India but remains relatively less known across the globe. One of the prime Jain virtues is Ahimsa, usually translated as nonviolence. There have been several volumes and special issues of academic books and journals focussing on violence but nonviolence remains a relatively untouched theme for such volumes. In a special issue for the International Institute for Asian Studies, we invite articles exploring the history and contemporary relevance of Jainism and Nonviolence in other Asian traditions. In addition to the historical themes, we invite articles also on contemporary themes that may discuss how nonviolent techniques, such as passive resistance, overlaps with issues such as the environment, geopolitical issues, education, diversity and inclusion, gender studies, and more. The articles can be from any discipline of humanities or social sciences focussing on Jainism or nonviolence in other traditions of Asia.


The articles should be either 1400-1750 words (1 page) or 2600-3500 words (2 pages). Each article should start with a good introduction which clearly indicates what the reader can expect from the remainder of the article (not an abstract). Images (without copyright infringements) should be attached. Endnotes should be a necessary minimum. The issue will go into the layout in May 2020. You will receive PDF proof pages to check before we go to print at the beginning of June. The issue will be published mid-June 2020. It is distributed by hardcopy and online – both for free. All contributors may request as many copies as they wish.


*The International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) is located in Leiden, The Netherlands ( IIAS is a humanities and social sciences research institute and knowledge exchange platform. It encourages the multidisciplinary study of Asia and initiates programmes that engage Asian and other international partners. IIAS facilitates fellowships, organizes conferences and publishes The Newsletter, a free academic non-peer-reviewed publication produced three times a year. With a worldwide readership of about 50,000. The Newsletter is the premier Asian Studies forum for Asia scholars. 

Please email your articles for this special issue to me by January 1st, 2020.


Pankaj Jain


Dr. Pankaj Jain पंकज जैन
Associate Professor, 
Dept of Philosophy and Religion

Co-chair, India Initiative Group

University of North Texas

Editor, Encyclopedia of Hinduism @ProfPankajJain